Dove Mountain Veterinary

Emergency Examples
Rattlesnake Bites
Car Accident Injuries
Pet Heatstroke
Muscle Sprains
Bone Fractures
Head Trauma
Uncontrolled bleeding, or bleeding through the nose, mouth, or anus
Choking, coughing, drooling, gagging, or a whistling noise
Strained breathing or conspicuous belly movements with every breath
Shallow, quick breaths
Trauma and open wounds after an accident
Frequent consecutive vomiting, or blood in vomit
Diarrhea lasting longer than 24 hours
Eye injuries, red eyes, squinting, or discharge
A seizure episode
Losing coordination or appearing wobbly
Extreme pain, a constant whimper, crying out, or hissing
Prolonged labor, which is more than 24 hours
Animal bites
Ingesting poison